Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Charles Darwin

We are starting a unit on evolution. Charles Darwin is the scientist that is often referred to as the father of modern evolution. Follow the link below to research Darwin and comment on why he is thought of in this manner.



  1. Before Darwin shared his theory, the general idea was that everything was unchanged and unconnected. They believed that once an animal was in existance it never changed and had no relation to any other organisms. Darwin began with the idea that new animals could arise from the old. Eventually he came to the idea of evolution. Since then, evolution has been continuously studied, and it started with his idea. So, this is why he is viewed as the father of modern revolution, he started a theory that is continuously believed and studied today.

  2. Charles Darwin is a scientist who really dived into the world of evolution. He defied the public's beliefs. His discoveries of how we are all related from ancestry that has been a piece at work for over millions of years made him a scientific celebrity when he returned to England.

  3. Charles Darwin came up with the idea that every living thing shares an ancestry, and the vast diversity of life on Earth results from processes at work over millions of years and still at work today. This idea allows us to fight viruses and understand the fossils found on our planet. Darwin spoke with other naturalists around the world to test his theory. He would us simple tools to answer his questions on evolution. Soon he was able to prove through different fossils that the structure and genes of different animals changed throughout century’s to fit a better living condition and allow survival.

  4. Charles Darwin is considered as the father of modern medicine because concluded that all living things share a common ancestry. He also stated that the changes and differences in species are from the process of the strong survived and the weak die. He also said that the evolution by natural selection is what made living things different and was still in process. He used the beak variations in the Galapagos Archipelago Finches and the variation in flowers he found there. The skulls he found also said that the animals had all descended from a common ancestor even though they were from different species of animals. He said that the small differences were to see which gene was helpful and heritable was to be passed on.

  5. Before Darwin was born, most people in England accepted certain ideas about the natural world as given. Species were not linked in a single "family tree." They were unconnected, unrelated and unchanged since the moment of their creation.

  6. Darwin first started developing his theory by studying nature and everything around him. He discovered that everything was similar in some way. They all shared an ancesrty. He further studied this further with experiments and knowledge. He started seeing the world in a different way. Not only did he develop the theory of evolution in animals and plants he discovered that humans too, had evolved from something else. His theorys and experiments have changed the scientific world forever.

  7. Darwin was the first person to introduce the idea that all life was conected. He thought that instead of the world being 6000 years old it was older and all life had originated from the same place insted of being created as it was. Darwin created the theory of natural selection. he thought that all life adapted to fit its enviorment. this theory is the basis of all evolutionary research today.

  8. Charles Darwin is known as the father of evolution because he developed the theory of evolution. Darwin was very good at observing nature. He studied animals and fossils and plants. Through his studies he saw the similarities between generations. He also saw the relationships in our ancestry. With all of his findings he was able to develop the theory of evolution and that is why he is such a significant figure in this topic.

  9. Charles Darwin was from england and though he was a scienetist he was also in a religious community and needed to respect that. he was the first respected person to create a theory that all living things are somehow connected. it was considered a tree for some reason. when he first came with this idea he kept it to himself. he later than got more evidence and cofiedence in his discovery and released it to the world. the way he released his theories was through the book ORIGIN OF SPECIES which led him to be on of the most conterversial scientists of his time.

  10. At first Charles Darwin experimented with various types of plants, he was a big fossil finder and he was also a discoverer and researcher. Then he realized that birds looked the same, and he he started questioning if things were unchanging. Then he started looking back at genetic transfers. Realizing that they were connected he then started looking at relationships from different species such as apes. He realized that men and apes are similar in their skeletal structure, he had made the first evolution picture comparing men and apes. The way he released his theories was through the book Origin of Species, this made him different from all other scientists.

  11. Charles Darwin started his career as a scientist in London and soon become memorized with the thoughts of how people and life forms were made. He then journeyed to South Africa and found fossils that he sent home. He then came to the conclusion that all organisms started and then evolved based on genetics. Traits that helped to improve the organism would stay and traits that were weaker were eliminated. Then he found that bats have the same type of hands as humans and that apes had similar bone structures. He as seen as the father of evolution because he made up the idea and supported it with the facts stated above.

  12. Charles Darwin who is considered to be the father of evolution, worked with other scientist and completed the idea of evolution. He kept this evolution from the world for two decades. He then created a book called The Origin of Species on evolution, but he did not publish right away because he feared the reaction of the church and the public. Later on Darwin did decide to release his book. The book shocked the world. Everyone had an opinion some people were scornful of the book but others praised it. After his book was released evolution became a very big part of science.

  13. Charles Darwin was a British naturalist who cultivated new ideas in the field of genetics, evolution, and the natural selecton. His ideas were and still today are contraversial, mostly because of the way they challenge the beliefs of contemporary religions. His book "The Origin of Species" showed how species that were related but not the same most likely shared a common ancestor before them, and that that ancestor had common ancestors to other species and so on. The book, relased in 1895, concludes that all species can be traced back to a few common ancestors at the beginning of time, and that new species will continue to delvelop in the same way.

  14. Charles Darwin is thought to be the father of modern evolution because of everything that he contributed to the idea of evolution. He began as a young man thinking about how different and how many species there were in the world. This led him to research more and more.For almost two decades he kept his work a secret from the rest of the world. He created a book called The Origin of Species however he didnt publish it; he thought that his work wasn't complete and that he needed to collect more information. Later in his life, he released his greatest book, 'On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection'. The book erupted, it sold out on the first day! Everyone who read it were either shocked or scornful, 'everyone had an opinion'. After darwin has released his boo, evolution was accepted into everyday life and the world of science.

  15. charles darwin is a scientist who had several theories: one, evolution did occur; two, evolutionary change was gradual, requiring thousands to millions of years; three, the primary mechanism for evolution was a process called natural selection; and four, the millions of species alive today arose from a single original life form through a branching process called “speciation.”

  16. Charles Darwin was a geneticist from London who created the theory of evolution. He believed that every living thing shared an ancestry. Charles thought that the vast differences in life where created by millions of years of mutation and is still going on today. Darwin wrote a book called Origan of Species, which contained all of his ideas on evolution. Darwin's theory of evolution is still used today by scientists working with DNA. They have found that Darwin's work is a fundamental peice of their own work.

  17. While he was observing nature, he saw that we were all related. The theory of evolution changed everyone's understanding of the living world. He has always been passionate about the natural world. When he was bored in school, but he was always interested in learning details about the natural world. He was invited to take a trip around the world. He was the naturalist on the ship. He said it was by far the most important event in his life. The trip took five years, except they were only planning on it taking two years. He left London to search for peace and quiet, so that he could continue his thinking after the trip. He showed the world a single scientific explanation for the diversity of life on Earth. He is thought of as the Father of Modern Evolution because he created the theory of evolution.

  18. Charles Darwin was born nearly two centries ago. He was born to a wealthy English family and spent his time observing insects and other species. Darwin started off studying medicine, as his father wanted him to do, but while he was in the University of Cambridge, he noticed his true potential.One of Darwin's famous and most intresting topic was beetles.
    During Charles studies, he set off to view the world. He went around the world collecting insects, animals, and other living things. He brought some home to observe them more. The trip was 5 years long aboarb the Beagle.
    He studied the life we now know as evolution. Darwin saw that every living thing was related, we all had an ancestry.Darwin transformed our understanding of the living world. His theory underlines all modern biology.
    Before Darwin was born, English people thought that creatures in the world were unchangeable. The world was stable and unchanging. They also thought the world was young, maybe only 6,000 years old.
    Charles Darwin created the theory of evalution. If it wasn't for him, we would still be thinking that the world was unchangeable and stable. :)

  19. Darwin is the person aclaimed for having the idea of evelution. Previous to his publications people believed in the church and followed the ideas of Creationism and Creative Design.

    Being the first one to think of life as an evelution and backed it up with fossils and research of similar spieces that exist ibn the world. His work is still used today in other fields of science.

  20. Charles Darwin is thought to be the father of modern evolution because he transformed our understanding of the living world. He concluded that all living things share an ancestry. This theory was called evolution by natural selection. This is the idea where populations adapt and evolve in order to survive in their environments.

    Charles started out with a theory and researched and read to begin proving this theory. He began his work, working with other scientists to shape and prove this theory. However, he kept his findings a secret from the rest of the world. He eventually published his ideas in a book called The Origin of Species along with its volume. This made him the most controversial scientist who's findings weren't proven right or wrong. And today, many still agree or disagree with his idea of evolution by natural selection.

  21. Darwin was a brilliant young man in the fields of science, biology, and geology. In 1831 he went on a trip on the US Beagle. The Beagle sailed all around South America and the Galapagos Islands. This is where Darwin studied the evolution and adaptations of animals. When Darwin arrived back to England he kept his findings secret for 20 years. He was finally pushed to print his findings the Origin of Species. This is why Darwion is the father of Evolution.
