Friday, April 9, 2010

Future evolution

Design a story that describes the effects of evolution on society in 3920AD.


  1. Story..
    Eveyone is dead because the planet adapted to our race's destruction of the earth by just swallowing us all whole to save itself and start over because humans messed everything up.

    Story2(just in case)-
    Humans won't adapt at all because we just man-make our lives. Dogs and cats lose their claws and strength from not having to do anything as pets. Birds grow larger wings to stay away from hunters. Deer grow body armour to protect themselves from hunters. Terrorists took over America and all chaos is let loose, so wild animals have adapted to the harsh environment by having more strength, large and sharp teeth, and good agility. They have all become vicious man-eaters because there is barely any food sources besides the stupid humans.

  2. Eventually the world will suffer from global warming and, some how, the world will overflow and 98.375% of the worlds land will be flooded by the ocean. Most land mamals will die. Those who find refuge on ships or the 1.625% of land left. We will feed on the edible fish of the sea untill we exhaust our recources. eventually the fish will grow bigger and harder to reach and kill. So, humans will develop large webbed toes, gills, sharp teeth in multiple rows, and a new layer of skin that is completely water proof. After this humans will develop colonies underwater which will then be ravaged by killer squids and sea urchins, the human race will be extinct.

  3. my story. In the future califonia with have fallen off the US and have sunk into the ocean. Since we have gone crazy with cars there will be no trees because we have killed all of then with gas emitions. Unless the trees have adapted to the gasoline. Somebody will be stupid enough to let off an atom bomb that will be big enough to blow all of us up. good bye

  4. i personally think that overall there will be hardly any change in the human skelatal structure unless its done scientifically. i believe that technology on the other hand will be much more advanced to where it does not matter if we are capable of doing things such as flying on our own because wel will have the mechanics to do it. i think a lot of other animals will become extinct because of our carelessness however clones might be something that we can start using for food. i think there is a slight possiblity that we will have learned to live on another planet so maybe we will evolve a little bit to live accordingly to that. but as we all saw in the video this has been going on for millions of years for us to be shaped the way we are 2,000 years is microscopic amount of time. that is what i think.

  5. As for human developement and animal developement I believe that there will not be many changes by 3920AD. If we look at plant and insect life though, I belive that there will be huge changes. There are millions upon millions of insects out there waiting to be discovered. Along with plant life, there are many different kinds of plants which we are yet to find. These plants could change the enviroment for humans and or animals. Plants are vital things for humans and animals they act as oxygen producers and medicine providers, we could discover many different kinds which could change many things. One thing could change everything.

  6. I believe that in 2000 years humans will have mutated into half shark and our lungs will also be gills. Our lungs will be able to tolerate radioactivity from a nuclear war a couple hundred years ago. The reason for the half-shark is because global warming has melted all the major ice formations and flooded nearly all the land. We humans, that actually survived the war, adapted in order to live through the world's destruction. We had no more food on land so we went into the seas and catch our food. Eventually over time all of those fish dissapperared because they knew to swim and hide in the deeper part of the ocean. We then adapted gills to be able to live underwater as well.

  7. Humans will not inhabitate another planet, however slugs will.

  8. Around 3000AD massive earthquakes and volcano eruptions will disrupt the earths core causing all of the water to dry up killing all marine life. Earth will than be an arid planet with no water, so we will have to make water in order for the human race to survive. Most of the mammals will die and only those that can survive extreame heat will live on. We will get food by hunting desert animals like lizards and scorpians and anything else that is still alive. In order for the human race to survive we will develop resistance to extreame heat, able to retain water, not need to drink as much, and be able to traverse through the desert on our feet. Then a new race of mammals will evolve and start to eat us. We will be on the brink of extincion and than we will learn how to kill this new enemy and our race will flourish again.

  9. Chris farley will be reborn and rule the south side of Africa.

  10. In 3920 AD I believe that humans will be able to fly so that we can move across the world faster and without the pollution that airplanes cause. We will have no more any transportation vehicles because we will also be able to breath underwater. Without having to use those vehicle the world we be a much cleaner place. We will adapt large claws,and teeth. We would also stronger bones so that we are nearly indestructible. We would be superior to any other creature.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Well, I believe in the philosphy of the world coming to an end in 2012, so i'm not really gonna be good for a story about a time 1,910 years from now when the world is gone in two.

    If you really want a story let me know and i'll make one up for you on the spot, maybe, if i can think one.

  13. Chris farley was reborn as a pumpkin.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. The World is going to end before then

  16. Pumpkins are called snoobops in the future.

  17. By 3920 humans will have adaptated mainly with our minds. This would allow us to use more brain power (we only use 10% of what we can). h our increased intelect we would have amassed massive technologic breakthroughs. This could include AI, VI, robots, even hovercraft. With our advanced tech would mean advanced devastating weapons for warfare. A lot of the world would be plagued by nuclear radiation. This is because of possible nuclear wars in the future with Russia and the Middle East. This could cause radiation resistance or tougher skin to protect us. This is just my thoughts on what the world would have evolved into by 3920.

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  19. Evolution is a fact and a theory. Evolution has taken living things from over a million years ago, making into the ones we know today. Evolution, as we know it, first started with lava pouring into the water, making rock like figues under the water. Their waste making oxygen. The oxygen created plants and insects, soon forming into fish and land creatures. Today, we remember the dinosours to be the life before us. Dinosours lived in their own life with small mammals. When the comet hit, the dinosours died and the plants and mamals lived. This brings us to today. Studies show that humans evolved from monkeys. They have simular sturcters and functions.
    In the future, evolution will change such as it did a thousand years ago to now. Insects, animals, humans, and other living things will change. They may have the same bones and srtucture of the skelatal system, but different functions. For example, studies show that birds came from dinosours, having simular stuctures, but can now fly. I think humans will turn into bird like stuctures. They will fly, but still have the skelatal structure of a human. Other creatures will evolve into creatures we have never seen. New creatures will arrive, and old ones will become extinct. I think we will become birds, joining the harsh natural selection. The majority of humans will also be burnettes and dark skin, thinking that red,black,and blonde hair are all recessive. Dark skin because the sun is pulling in closer to the earth, and the ozone layer is losing layers. The sun will be stonger and more people will have skin caner. The flying humans will live with all the other creatures, a life up in the sky. That is if global warming doesn't kill us first...

  20. By the year 3920, humans will have achieved a peaceful society. We will have adapted in a way that would not necessarily be good. I think we would be physically weaker because we would have machines do all our hard work for us. We would also be smarter or use more of our brains. I also think that sickness and infection will be a thing of the past. Genetic engineering will have created the perfect immune system that will protect us. Space travel will be commonplace and we may even have alien species living on our planet. Any other changes would be unpredictable because of so many alien influences.

  21. Since 2010, many changes have occurred. It's 3920 AD, 1910 years later. Humans have always been able to adapt easily, and have now changed more than ever. Due to the effects of global warming, the human has gained thicker skin (to withstand all types of weather) and a darker tinted skin (due to the constant sun shinning through the thinning atmosphere). There are very few red heads or blonds due to the recessive traits. So few, that there is one redhead and two blonds out of every million people on Earth. Also, living organism who were previously unable to take in CO2 healthfully can now take in CO2 and oxygen. The result: the Earth has reduced in CO2, and global warming is slowing even though we already evolved to withstand the effects of global warming.

    Animals have changed as well. They now venture further into human inhabited areas and it's not wierd to see wild animals rummaging through you garage or on your front porch. Wild animals no longer eat each otehr, they eat our trash. Most animals have now lost their sharp teeth because they are no longer needed.

    With the rising water levels, humans have developed waterproof skin and will grow webbed hands and feet and gills in a couple hundred thousand years. Reptiles have moved back towards the water and regained their gills. Polar animals begin to head towards warmer climates and have lost their thick skins and coat.

    During the same time, humans contiued to repopulated and space is running out. Food sources are becoming scarcer. Resources are running out. Because of this, humans have gradually gained sharper teeth and have started taking on the traits of untame animals. We have started trying to find other food sources even though all that's left is animals and...humans.

    If things don't change, in ten years, humand and animals will be extinct. So will water animals. All that will be left is insects and the few plants that still existed. Life will have to begin the cycle all over again.

  22. In the future, humans may or may not be able to face the changes in the future, such as environmental changes. I dont think that humans structure will change in any physical ways. Humans might become extinct in the future. If all humans become extinct and dont adapt, then the world will be much different. Most animals on land won't adapt to the environment. More humans will grow taller in the future. This will happen because more people today are above average height and it is bound to happen to future generations. House pets will not be as able to survive in the future, because humans always took care of them. There will most likely be all brunette people in the future. Humans will be able to breathe better underwater. They will grow gills. Humans will discover that they can survive better at sea.

  23. didn't post "i" of his own will.

  24. In 1910 years earth will be just out of an ice age caused by global warming. Only the ones who could pay the huge gas bill survived. Then they will reproduce and the generation formed will adapt to the new world that is surrounded in green. This time though all the major cities will be in one continent covered by a big glass bubble so that all the population will be stuck in the bubble. Then, to get in to the bubble you need to wear a space suit. This is where all the goods (foods, clothes, cars, etc) will be kept. Water will be kept outside of the bubble and ocean water will be used to operate the cars on the roads outside of the bubble. Now global warming will be a non-issue since now all the population is gone. Also wars will have rules and the war will have to be approved by the person in charge at the time (whoever that will be). Then no atomic bombs will be allowed an instead of bullets everyone has paintballs!! That way no one dies in war. Also, every country will have a democratic government so that way no revolts and no dictators will take over. No bugs either I hate bugs. Some animals but they all have to be tamed. No birds just for Eli. This is whole the world will be in 3920.

  25. 2,000 years from now the planet will become a new world. Because of pollution from the humans the water will be undrinkable for their stomachs and soon the human raise will die out. fish will build up a tolerance to the pollution and adjust along with whales and other life forms that survive only in water, amphibians will be unable to survive except for newts which will change into lizards. Animals drinking the water will live because there bodies will come up with a filtration system while drinking the water. The buildings the humans left behind, though, will cause harm to some animals and the population of mammals will decrease in time. Fortunately, in time, the trees will grow again and the buildings will decompose. Without the humans the water will return to normal contents and the, animals will repopulate. Although through time because of natural selection, the animals will be able to defend themselves enough to live double there life span from 2010. It will be almost impossible to hunt for food and the predators will have to adjust by becoming herbivores.

  26. I believe that in the future, everything(yes everything, from cars, to flies) will be completley different from how it is today. Our generation will not be around, unless new technology creates something that helps you live for eternity which I highly doubt will happen... The animals that are around today, will look very different because of the fact that they would have to adapt to the changing world. Humans will also look different because they too have to adapt to the chagned world. I cannot predeict the future.. therefor i do not know how the world will be like; therefore i cannot predict how animals and humans and plants will have changed.

  27. By the year 3920 AD., the world will look different. Consider the changes from 1910 years ago, or 100 AD. to the present. While the physical appearance of humans hasn’t dramatically changed, (we haven’t grown a third arm or anything) the average height and weight of a human has increased dramatically. In the 2nd century it was common to see men who were 4.5-5 feet tall. Now the average male is close to 6 feet. Size is something that will probably increase. Notice that generations are usually taller than their parents; now multiply that by the scores of generations that will come in another 1910 years.
    Another thing that will surely change is technology. The leaps from the first century to the present are immeasurable. Cars, computers, medicine, communication, and so much more has been invented, developed and perfected. It only took 30 years to cure polio, cancer can’t be far off, and AIDS has to be right behind it. But, there will also be new problems in the world. Things we can’t imagine now. They will pose the same problems and the current ones do. What will wars look like? How will they be fought? How will disagreements be settled? We have gone from duels to mediation classes in just under 100 years. Daily life will be changed beyond what we can imagine.
    Animals will change. Pets will surely be different. Species will go extinct and others will come into the world. What will the world look like with so much of it being built upon? Will the areas where live is currently sustained by only the best adapted creatures become a common place for all species? So many farm fields have turned into subdivisions in only a decade. Where will a growing population of people settle? Much of the world that people thought didn’t even exist has been discovered, claimed, and settled. There cannot possibly be that much space left on earth to find.
    So much of the Earth will change that it is impossible to fit everything in one blog post. Only time will tell if the changes will be good or bad. Good thing none of us will be around to find out.

  28. By the year 3920 A.D I believe we will be transformed and carry different traits than we do now. Our brain development has made huge advances and our technology can predict what transformations we might have. I think our bodies will be able to do things it cannot do now and other species will be unrecongizable.

    Technology will have a huge effect on society like it has now. We can predict things we can't now and be able to build things beyond our imaginations.

    Species that now might be unknown now could play a huge role in the world due to the evolution of their kind. Animals that we rely on for food might be completly different and we will have to find other ways to get those necessities.

  29. Animals will continue to adapt because humans keep abusing the enviornment. They will soon catch up and be as powerful as humans are now. By the time that happens, humans will begin developing animal-like traits and still reign over all other life. Humans will develop traits like wings and gills. They will also develop the ability to store water like camels. Since rainforests are being cut down and water sources are being polluted, humans will need to be able to store resourses that are available. I don't have anything else to say but if there is a chance that humans aren't in power it will be apes that take over.

  30. In 2000 years our lungs will adapt to breathe toxic air due to global warming. This will happen because people will be dying out and some one will have a mutation that allows them to breath. They will survive and be able to pass on their genes. Or we will be able to breath under water because that is where we will have to live after a nuclear war.

    Or we won’t adapt because we will just move to another planet and mess that one up. Or it will be like Mitch said and our brains will be more effective.

    Allowing us to build independent acting robots which will take over the world just like in the matrix.

    Or after polluting the heck out of the world we will all die out along with most birds accept for flightless birds like the ostrich which will adapt their lungs and be able to breath due to being lower to the ground and having better cardio than humans.

  31. By the year 3920AD, humans will develop some kind of extra attachment like gills or wings. Then all the predatoril animals will become faster and grow to be enormous sizes. In addition, all pray will also grow better defense mechanisms like shells or very rough skin to protect them from the more evolved predators. Also in 3920AD the sea will have almost no fish in it because of to much fishing. Also global warming will heat the earth and make the glaciers melt, which will cover most of the earth in water, and this is why humans will either grow gills or wings. And finally the last thing that would happen by 3920AD would be that our technology would be so evolved that human would be living on 5 different planets in 2 different galaxies. There will be a space highway connecting all of the galaxies and planets.

  32. In 3920, the human race will have developed to be able to breathe in the pollution and with the less oxygen in air. Human minds will be more advanced and able to create robots and cures for diseases.

    Domesticated pets will lose their teeth and claws due to the fact that they won't need them anymore. Animals that are hunted will become faster, stronger, and their skin will become more protected. The sea animals will adapt so that they don't have to came up for air or food anymore, so that they no longer have the problem of being shot when being above water level.

    Plants and animals will adapt to the pollution and learn to thrive with less rain and more chemicals.

  33. Molly says that I die in this story, she just told me. So, Molly dies in mine, even though she is a burnette.
